
Showing posts from 2019

Agriculture in INDIA: The condition of Farmers with solution

Contents Agriculture in India Global trends in Agriculture Some Important Facts Where is the problem A Permanent Solution Gifting our Farmers a Gift they Need Agriculture in India India is an Agriculture major country, it is the backbone of the Indian employment sector as 60% of our population is engaged in Farming related activities. As we have a vast variety of seasons here we are also capable of growing a wide variety of crops.  Rice and wheat are the Staple food crops but along with them Pulses, fruits, cereals, etc.  Click to read more about crops in INDIA. Along with crops, India is also a Fishery giant with a catch of about 3 million metric tons annually. It ranks India in the top 10 fishing Nations of the world. Global trends in Agriculture India has been engaged in Agriculture since 9000 BCE, and we are engaged majorly in Agriculture but still, we are unable to get a crop quality above the global standards. A Survey of the United N

5 Great Indian Mathematicians: National Mathematics Day 22 December

National Mathematics Day, India India Celebrates its National Mathematics Day on 22 December every year. It's also the Date of Birth of the Great Indian Mathematician Shrinivas Ramanujan . On 26 Dec 2012 then Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh announced the date of birth of S. Ramanujan as the National Mathematics Day during the inaugural ceremony of the celebrations at IIT Madras . Since then it is celebrated as the National Mathematics Day in India. 5 Great Mathematicians of India 1. Srinivasa Ramanujan Srinivasa Ramanujan is the genius who won several accolades in the field of Mathematics. Without any formal education in pure Mathematics, he did several contributions in the analytical theory of Numbers, continued Fractions, Infinite Series, and elliptic Functions.  "The Man Who Knew Infinity" directed by Matt Brown is also based on the life of Ramanujan. 2. C.S. Seshadri Conjeevaram Srirangachari Seshadri is an Eminent Indian Mathematic

National Register of Citizens

Contents What is NRC ? Documents Required for NRC Consequences of not getting registered NRC in Assam What is NRC? The National Register of Citizens or NRC is a register in which citizens of India are registered with their names, addresses, and other details. The register currently includes the names of the people who were residents of India before 1951. It was created in 1951 based on the census of 1951 and it has not been updated again till again, except for the state of Assam which took place in 2018. Documents required for NRC in India are: Two types of Document are required for inclusion under the NRC List A Documents required for NRC List B Documents required for NRC 1. List A Documents required for NRC These documents are required to prove the residents as citizens of India. This List documents will normally include the previous generation. People whose names appear in the NRC list of 1951 People whose names appear in any of the Elector

Citizenship Amendment Act, 2019

Click here to read the Citizenship Amendment Act, 2019 The Citizenship Amendment Act passed in the Parliament of India on 11 Dec 2019. This act gives Indian citizenship to the minority class people of Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Afganistan.  Since the Bill passed in the Lok Sabha of Parliament of India it has faced huge criticism around the whole nation from northeast to Gujrat and from Kashmir to Tamil Nadu. The protest in various parts of the country is due to various reasons as follows:  In the Northeast, the protest is because the Act will give citizenship to migrants and this will lead to the damage their tribal culture and lifestyle While in central India the protest is because the Act ignored the Muslims.  Some protest because they think the Act harms the fundamental soul of the Indian Constitution Some protest because they think that their Indian citizenship will be snatched away because they are Muslims While some protest just for their political purpose

Rape Culture

Yeah! You read the title right. I'm going to talk about "Rape Culture" today. This is not something new to us, it's something going on from ages ago. Earlier kingdoms used to attack each other loot the villages, kill the men and take the women slaves for what? Lust.  It was here earlier and it is still here nothing has changed much. Rape still means to force someone in action to fulfill their desires. But one of the major thing that definitely changed is that India where women were treated as goddess, as energy and property has become one of the most unsafe countries on earth for women, and the places where women were sold as slaves to be raped have become places where they can walk fearlessly, freely, anytime anywhere, without any fear of physical abuse. Every day it happens somewhere but some catch our attention much more than the others.  It has become so normal these days just like watching TV. Earlier it was Phoolan Devi, then Nirbhaya, and now it'

Delhi Life

Delhi Life Delhi, the capital of India which is not just the political, economic and cultural center of the Nation, but is also home to around 20 million human beings. Apart from this several lac people come to Delhi daily for their jobs. This made the capital the second most populous city in the world. Delhi gives jobs, Delhi gives Hope to millions of people from the nearby states to run their lives better. But everything comes at a price. Along with being the world’s second-most populous city, it is also the most polluted city in the whole world. The city consists of factories, heavy industries, thermal power plants, and thousands of vehicles on the road every time. Now let’s talk about some facts: Did you know that: Breathing in Delhi is like smoking 20+ Cigarettes everyday. The life expectancy of a person living in Delhi is reduced by 7 years. Delhi is the most polluted city in the world. Pollution in Delhi claims the lives of more than 10000


Diwali Diwali is right at our door now. This is the festival which enlightens the whole Nation with lights and joy. It’s celebrated as symbol of victory of light over darkness. According to Hindu mythology it is celebrated as the day when Lord Rama returned to his kingdom of Ayodhaya after fourteen years. It is the most awaited festival. People celebrate Diwali by worshipping Goddess Laxmi and Lord Ganesha. They share and eat sweats and various other dishes, decorate their homes and light firecrackers. Along with the light and joy Diwali brings, for Delhi it brings something else too. Yes, you guessed it right, it’s pollution. Delhi is the National capital and in Diwali season it becomes the pollution capital too. From the beginning of Navratrey it starts and goes on till November leaving a smoking impact which lasts for the whole season. Although burning crackers is banned in Delhi especially on these days some people never learn. Every year we campaign “Clean Diwali, G

Indian Culture

Culture Culture is something we have always been proud of Our great culture, Unity in Diversity are somethings which made our chest expand to 56”. But is this culture really that great ? Indian society have given icons like Buddha , Mahatma Gandhi , Swami Vivekananda . Great emperors like Ashoka , Akbar have ruled this nation. We have hundreds of arts, dance styles, music, dresses, customs but does these materialistic things define our culture ? A culture is defined by the values that the people of that culture have. Some great people did great things doesn’t necessarily means that the whole culture is great. Every culture and society have some plus and minus points, but in India it seems that the minus points are a bit more than the good ones. We clean our Homes, not our nation. We rush on roads, but don’t look back to the injured. We want our nation clean, but we will defecate in open. We bribe the traffic police, but won’t pay the fine. We want clean air, but we will b


Who are we ? What is the purpose of being alive ? These are some questions which we will never see in our exams but once in our lives every human asks these questions or maybe even animals ask them, in ways beyond our thoughts, at least for now. If there is a God , Is it a whole species of them like the other beings or the God is absolutely unique. Faiths around the world gives us various signs, thoughts and theories. But there is always a question that we can always arise and every time we ask this question it gets broader and wider until it get bigger than our own thoughts, theories and beliefs. If the God created the universe then what about the origin of God ? If the God is just the operator then who is the creator ? and these question just lead us to a dark room which is not yet enlightened. There are some theories for the origin of the universe in modern sciences as well as in Vedic sciences, but what we don't know is that How long they will last and how far they are c


Unicorn This poem is about road rage and how it affects life. This poem illustrates a scene of animal caught in an accident. The poem displays scene and takes the reader on the road itself. I hope you will feel the poem. Today I saw a unicorn Walking on the road It made a sound Neither whisper nor a roar. The road was busy It was hard to cross it The noises of the horns Started to startle him. Somehow step by step He made its way across When he was at the edge He made his roar. Then a brumm sound was heard It was coming closer It was coming in zigzag Disturbing the whole motion. The unicorn saw it But he didn't move He accepted his fate And vanished in blue. A shriek was heard From the same direction The sound was heard But its source was nowhere. Once again we did it to him We made him roar first And then silenced him. The sound was still in the ears But its source was gone The unicorn was also just a little farther But his soul was

Student Union Elections

Student Union Election Politics and Governance affect the whole nation from an 80 years old senior citizen to an infant from a multinational company to a small shopkeeper. Weather we take interest in it or not it affects us all in almost every way. From past decades role of students have significantly increased in Politics. Young leaders like Tsering Namgyal, Aditya Thackery have played their role and showed how important it is to have young energetic youth in the government. The important turn where a normal student changes and stand up above himself is when he enters in politics and student body elections are the ones where they are officially exposed to such things however this kind of thing is also visible when we choose our class monitor. Just like the Political parties like BJP, Congress, CPI, etc students also have political parties operated and controlled by the students themselves. Some of these parties are ABVP, NSUI, INSO, CYSS, etc. These student union parti

Kashmir 2019

Disclaimer The following data is a personal point of view and is expressed using the right to freedom of speech. The information used in this article are obtained through various news sources and online information platforms. This article is not intended to criticize any person. Readers should read it with reasonable thoughts. Kashmir 2019 After the sudden demolition of all the sections of article 370 (except the first one) there has been a huge tension at the global stage. Article 370 which gave special status to Jammu & Kashmir state of India was demolished on 5 Th August, 2019. This was a historic step taken by the government of India. J & K was a terror affected place where many terrorists entered with their evil plans. Due to this special status the people from India or could not settle and establish there. The constitution of India was not completely followed there and various anti-National activities used to take place. Due to these activities the locals were

Unknown Facts

UNKNOWN FACTS ■ The Great Gama Ghulam Mohammed Baksh (Gama Pehlwan)  born on 22 May, 1878 in Amritsar,Punjab in British India. He was 173cm tall and 110kg in weight. He is known for his undefeated wrestling career of more than 50 years. He was awarded Indian version of World heavyweight championship on 15th October 1910. He considered raheem bakhsh sultani wala as his greatest rivalry. All his matches resulted in either a win aur tie game but never once in a defeat. Even Bruce Lee also followed the training routine of the Gama Pehlwan to build such great strength. Some of the exercises he followed are "The Cat Stretch","The Squat". ■  Genghis Khan Genghis Khan or Chinggis Khan  was The founder and 1st great Khan of the Mongol empire, which became the largest contagious empire in history after his death. He got this massive power by uniting many of the nomadic Tribes of North East Asia. He conquered more than 12 million square kilometres o