Student Union Elections

Student Union Election

Politics and Governance affect the whole nation from an 80 years old senior citizen to an infant from a multinational company to a small shopkeeper. Weather we take interest in it or not it affects us all in almost every way.
From past decades role of students have significantly increased in Politics. Young leaders like Tsering Namgyal, Aditya Thackery have played their role and showed how important it is to have young energetic youth in the government.
The important turn where a normal student changes and stand up above himself is when he enters in politics and student body elections are the ones where they are officially exposed to such things however this kind of thing is also visible when we choose our class monitor.
Just like the Political parties like BJP, Congress, CPI, etc students also have political parties operated and controlled by the students themselves. Some of these parties are ABVP, NSUI, INSO, CYSS, etc. These student union parties are either independent or can be the youth wings of the countries major political parties which support them like Congress have NSUI, AAP have CYSS.
These student political parties contest and compete for the panel of student union in various universities. Among these universities Delhi University, JNU, BHU, etc are the esteemed ones.

Delhi University
When the new batch starts the competition for student panel also starts. From the beginning of July students from all the colleges starts their preparations of the DUSU and other individual college level elections. Help desk for new students are installed by these students. They represent themselves at public gatherings, interact with students, deliver classroom speeches and convince the students to vote in their favour.
Convincing people has never been an easy task. The candidates use various tactics and techniques to get the influential people on their sides. They move in groups of 15- 20 people to impact on the students visually. They use we instead of I to show collective teamwork. Some of these candidates even organize or take responsibility of various college activities to make their fame.
This is what happens in colleges but when it comes to DUSU Elections things get really intensified. The frame become really huge. Lakhs of money is spend in campaigning, banners, posters, phemplates. The game is not limited to just a college now, it has expanded to 77 colleges, 16 faculties, and 86 academic departments.
When a DUSU candidate enters a college hundreds of students welcome him with garlands and take him to canteen, classrooms, etc for election campaigning. He is treated like a celebrity. When they halt before the college the traffic jams because of sudden halting of 20 to 30 SUVs and other vehicles which belong to the convoy of the candidate.
All of these DUSU candidates compete for the posts of President, vice-President, Secretary and Joint Secretary of the Delhi University Student Union Panel.
Sometime these elections can get really messy and violent. Every year we see some fight like conditions but the result is always out through the democratic way of polling. The one who gets maximum number of votes wind the position that he fights for.
The candidate and their supports waits till late night for the results and when they are announced the winning party celebrates their victory enormously.
Many celebrated politicians like Arun Jaitely, Rajnath Singh, have emerged from student politics.

When the role of student politics is increasing by day they are also adopting the dark actions too like bribing, threatening, intimidation, etc which is in any case not healthy for good governance. Such things corrupts the young minds too which is bad for the nation too.

When the leaders govern themselves properly only then they can govern the NATION.



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