

This poem is about road rage and how it affects life. This poem illustrates a scene of animal caught in an accident. The poem displays scene and takes the reader on the road itself.
I hope you will feel the poem.

Today I saw a unicorn
Walking on the road
It made a sound
Neither whisper nor a roar.

The road was busy
It was hard to cross it
The noises of the horns
Started to startle him.

Somehow step by step
He made its way across
When he was at the edge
He made his roar.

Then a brumm sound was heard
It was coming closer
It was coming in zigzag
Disturbing the whole motion.

The unicorn saw it
But he didn't move
He accepted his fate
And vanished in blue.

A shriek was heard
From the same direction
The sound was heard
But its source was nowhere.

Once again we did it to him
We made him roar first
And then silenced him.

The sound was still in the ears
But its source was gone
The unicorn was also just a little farther
But his soul was gone.

- Jatin Kumar


  1. really very useful topic you choosed to write , I recently experienced same


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