Rape Culture

Yeah! You read the title right. I'm going to talk about "Rape Culture" today. This is not something new to us, it's something going on from ages ago. Earlier kingdoms used to attack each other loot the villages, kill the men and take the women slaves for what? Lust. 
It was here earlier and it is still here nothing has changed much. Rape still means to force someone in action to fulfill their desires. But one of the major thing that definitely changed is that India where women were treated as goddess, as energy and property has become one of the most unsafe countries on earth for women, and the places where women were sold as slaves to be raped have become places where they can walk fearlessly, freely, anytime anywhere, without any fear of physical abuse.

Every day it happens somewhere but some catch our attention much more than the others. 
It has become so normal these days just like watching TV.
Earlier it was Phoolan Devi, then Nirbhaya, and now it's Dr. Priyanka Reddy.
We are ashamed, it hurts, it really does even if we don't shed tears.
Even if we forget the incident for a second but at that particular moment we realize that an innocent life was taken away. It was not instant painless death, it lasted for hours. There were multiple devils who took her and consumed her brutally. She must have shed blood from her eyes. She must have remembered her family and she would have desired of instant death, either by a speeding truck or by a gunshot than being gang-raped, but her fortune was doomed, She was doomed because she was being raped by four devils and then burned alive under that bridge until she died. 
Yes, they were devils who sent her to heaven that way.
And now she is really gone, in a way that we cannot dare to think.

But this a story we heard, there are many Priyanka Reddy and Nirbhaya who didn't get our attention. Who just passed silently without anyone's knowledge. But, they must have seen them, those devils must have heard them when she cried, But even after pleading they didn't care, they kept it up. They lost their humanity, So why do they have to be treated like humans, they are nothing but beasts.
They are what they are, but who are we?
Let me answer this.
We are the beings of the 21st century. 
In this age of technology we live virtually and think artificially.
We play a very popular game called "Blame the other",
We walk in the evening with candles and call ourselves a saint.

But remember, Rapes don't happen virtually or on the computer screens.
People can't just pull the plug and turn it off.
We blame the government when we are the ones to elect them. So, Should we blame ourselves, well Yeah !, but will it change anything and more importantly will it stop the rapes ??

We see a lot of posts these days piling up our story sections demanding death sentences, burn alive, and many others. We show rage and show that this is our first priority to hang them, But let me ask you a question.
Let us suppose you are given the freedom that you can go and kill them in the middle of an intersection. will you go?

We suggest girls carry pepper spray, hidden knives in combs, etc for their safety but from where can they buy such things. Our general stores don't sell such things.

Media surely plays a very important role in everything. Raising alarm, creating a situation of sympathy and start an initiative of some really effective change. 
People should open up and say it out loud when they are uncomfortable.
People are still shy while purchasing condoms. People are still unaware of the menstrual cycle and periods and feel it as a taboo.
What we need is an open environment where we get to know each other and value each other.

I think that everyone should she "13 Reasons Why" to know how does it feel.

Just posting on the social media, changing our DPs for two days will not change anything, neither will it come by candle marches what we need to do is to change our mindset and of others too, and respect people for their personal choices cause it's their choice what they wear or where they go and it's our choice of how we respond.


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