Fitness for life

Scientific Definition of fitness -
The actual scientific definition of fitness states that it is a condition of human body in which each organ of it works well in such a way that ability to survive till reproductive age increases.
In general it means being physically, mentally and socially fit. Fitness is not only about exercise, workout, healthy food etc it also comprises of our reactions towards our problems or in simpler way being positive. 

Importance of fitness for all ages -
Well we all know that when we are kids we have time and energy but no money, when we are adults we have energy and money but no time, and when we are aged we have time and money but no energy. This is something which we all have seen. Instead of being in such a situation for our whole life why can't we do something for enjoying our whole life having money, time and energy as well ? Well must be thinking solution ? Fitness is a single answer for this. Fitness means something which is for all, all aged people can unite for meeting this word and as we unite we are free from our problems and situations and conditions and whatever. A kid while playing hardly thinks about money, an adult during gym hardly thinks about his the world, an aged one in park along with people of his age hardly thinks about his body containing very less energy. Hence answer is simple and clear that fitness plays a vital role in the lives of all aged groups.

Dedication required for fitness-
When we think and concern for our body's fitness then the one thing we must have is dedication. Fitness requires daily exercise, yoga, running, healthy food, much water, clean environment and stress free mind with meditation. When fitness comes to the mind working out on daily basis is necessary. If you are unable to run then take a deep breath and start again, if you are again facing problem in breathing then walk but don't stop, make up your mind to run on daily basis, add metres to your run, have some music with you, divert your mind from breathing and just focus on your running and motivate yourself to not stop, that's called a dedication. Do the things in which you are good either it is exercise or meditation but don't stop, don't wait for luck and don't stay in your comfort zone. Google up dedicated players and get motivated but you don't stop that's called dedication towards fitness. The more dedicated you are more fit you will be.

Concerned about career ?
There is no doubt that an individual for whom fitness is very important faces no career regarding problems. Fit individuals are the ones who understand what is good for their body and what's not, having such types of skills. Such kind of individuals may open their fitness centres, make themselves a brand, do modelling, and what not ?
Now a days the whole world is enthusiastic about yoga which have its roots in India, so being as an Indian individual if you are a master of yoga then no need to worry about finance. Same thing follows for meditation and exercises. Being physically, mentally and socially fit you are perfect for defense related jobs and for your own defence (Girls can protect themselves on their own).
MTV is the number one youth channel where fitness is in highly appreciated (eg. Roadies).

Fitness leads to economic growth-
Well now a days every individual is concerned about his Nation. Concerning about nation includes many factors like economic development, economic growth, women empowerment, social evils, health, education, institution, Constitution and much more. So a fit and healthy individual will work as a better asset than the other. A physically, mentally and socially fit person can help in removing social evils from the society and make it a better one. Hence fitness plays a major role in country's development.

Major fitness regarding factor is stubbornness -
Now a days everyone from a 2 year kid to a 70 year old individual seem to be busy in phones. Everyone thinks that sitting alone in homes and being busy with their
phones is a smart way of living a life, but actually it is not. We are just ignoring the beautiful world of ours, and are living in a palm sized flat thing.
Fitness doesn’t demands stubbornness it requires dedication and action only. For living a happy and healthy life one should drop that so called smartest way of living and encourage themselves for fitness. Fitness not only makes you fit but also it makes you stronger and stronger day by day.

Stay Fit, Stay healthy.

Renu Yadav

Jatin Kumar


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